Well, Mike got through his test. He's not overly happy but it's over...for now. He thinks he will have to retake it in the Spring but there's no use in thinking that until we get the letter in the mail. And who cares? It's not the end of the world even if he does. He was so down on the way home and even though, I REALLY didn't feel like going to dinner, I took him to Ruby Tuesdays. My parents were keeping Hunter since they had picked him up from Daycare and offered to keep him while we ate out. He couldn't get his mind off the test. Just figuring out questions in his mind, solving equations on his dinner napkin and staring into space. I'm just hoping he sleeps in late in the morning and feels refreshed tomorrow. I wish I could make him see how proud everyone is of him, whether he passed or not. He's brilliant and I'm SO proud of him
I guess I spoke too soon and I'm really feeling yucky today. I couldn't get my sugar up today for the life of me. I ate, drank Ginger Ale, checked my blood sugar several times but it wouldn't come out of the 60-70 range. SO, I was pretty pooped. I finally went to Taco Bell for lunch since I was already out buying the biggest container of Glucose Tablets I could find and felt better after. It still wasn't perfect but it really made me full for most of the afternoon. I'm just so tired of dealing with sugar issues. I'm really trying not to complain but sometimes, I CANNOT figure it out. So, I'm pouting. I'm just exhausted.
I had a yummy salad bar at Ruby Tuesday tonite and it was delicious. We came home and I'm getting ready to go to bed now. Tomorrow, I think I'll get up and clean a little bit. I haven't felt like it all week and although my house isn't too messy, I DO need to vacuum and clean the bathroom. I hope I can stay in my pj's all day. It's supposed to rain all day again and be yucky weather. Nothing really sounds good but I hope my grandmother has some homemade soup made. (she always has a ton of it in the freezer) She and my Pop went out tonite but I left her a message that that's what I had thought about eating all day. We'll see.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I'm wishing for feeling better and a restful weekend. Please say a prayer for my Mike. I'm hoping he'll cheer up soon. thanks!
I hope all went well with Mike's test. I hope that you are feeling better as well. :-)
Get well soon! (I'm from 2 peas)
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