Monday, September 25, 2006

Fun Weekend, Happy Moments

Check out that smile:)

We had a blast this weekend. Friday, I got off early so Mike and I could go to the Early Evening Dinner Special at Steak & Ale. It was delicious, and the company was great. Afterwards, we walked through Barnes & Noble and spent over an hour listening to music and reading a little. It was really neat. My parents kept Hunter and were thrilled to be with him. He was so excited too. He didn't want to leave, wanted to play on their sunroom, or his playroom:) Saturday, we went to ToysRUs and let Hunter look all over. We wanted to get some ideas for Christmas. Hunter got to play with some trains, play with stuffed animals, and he rode in several of the big cars. We were thinking about getting him one for Christmas but not sure which one yet. He likes Lightening McQueen the best. We went home with some Chickfila and then Hunter took a long nap. I cleaned up around the house a little. Mike had to work all day. On the way home, he stopped by Caleb's house and then they came here to work on his car stereo. Hunter and I played a little before he had a bath and then Nite-Nite. He woke up around 11 and couldn't go to sleep until about 1 because of his cold. We didn't go to church since we had been up late with him. He fell asleep in bed with us but didn't want to go back to his room. We slept in and rested most of Sunday until Hunter went down for his nap. I went to Kohl's and got a new pair of running shoes. I can't wait to use them. I think I will probably get on the treadmill tomorrow morning. I also went to Walmart and found 3 more Christmas presents. I'm over half way done. I'm so excited. I'm indecisive and take forever. I should have been looking for some more workout clothes. Mine are falling off me. BUT...what ISN'T falling off me these days? I need to get some new clothes. **Today, I hit 20 pounds that I have lost** I'm so excited. I just need to start working out more regular on the treadmill every night and every morning if I want to do a 5k run next month. We will see. Atleast Hunter is getting some use out of it. He wants to get on it every night. He says, "Walk" and then "Run". Mike will speed it up a little bit and of course hold his hands right in front of him. He actually keeps up and RUNS to keep up with the treadmill. That boy is so strong! He's also learning so much. He knows most of his colors, some starting numbers, and he's working on his alphabet. We work on the alphabet every night and sing the song. He knows several letters. He does really good. The last picture is of a Halloween outfit that I got for him at Walmart but it's not big enough. It is cute though; a cute little "Itsy Bitsy Spider". He really likes that song. He wasn't crazy about the gloves either but it's ok. It's just a little tight all over for him. They skip the Toddler sizes sometimes???? anyway, I'm getting ready for bed. I want to get up early to run and then vacume. Still have some laundry to finish up. I get SO much done in the morning before Hunter even wakes up. What I don't finish, I usually work on during lunch. It's nice working 5 minutes from home. Good Night:)

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