Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Babies

My DH will probably kill me for posting this...hehehe but to ME, it's SO cute. All my babies laying in bed. Mike was watching Hannah while I washed my hands after a nasty diaper change. As Hunter says, "Hannah is yucky". He told us this the other day in the car. (after telling us he smelled something) When we asked why he said it's because she poops. We told him that HE poops. Does that mean HE is yucky TOO? He said no, Just her bottom is yucky!! It was SO funny. I just had to share!!
Going to the movies today to see Wall-E then a birthday party at TNT this afternoon. Tomorrow is Church and then another birthday party. BUSY...I want a nap but I'll fit that in sometime this afternoon. Have a FABULOUS weekend!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Baby Boy

These are pictures of my little boy, Hunter in the hospital with me. (he just turned 4 the end of April) He was SO excited to see Hannah for the first time. He got to hold her that same day, with his "I'm the Big Brother Shirt" on. The first picture, I think I'm going to frame for in his room. I just LOVE it!

He's my big helper and he loves to talk to Hannah. Today, we're going to the pool for a little while because tomorrow is supposed to be pretty hot. I'm looking forward to sitting back and playing with him in the water. We usually have lunch there and then, home for a nap. I have thank you notes and Baby Announcements to work on. I also need to order some pictures to print. Hope everyone has a happy "Hump Day" =)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

My Wonderful Family
Just thought I'd post some pictures of when we all came home from the hospital. We had our Stork delivered that day (like when we had Hunter too) so it was nice to get a picture in front. After lunch and getting Hunter down for a nap, we gave Hannah her first sponge bath (first at home). We have a basket we keep all her bath stuff in and then, all we do is grab a towel and head for the kitchen table. We put a heater out sometimes for a little warm air circulating.
She's not so sure about this.....

Now, she's SURE she doesn't like it..LOL!
She's gotten better about it and she LOVES to have her hair washed with the Kitchen sink sprayer! (just like Hunter)

Such little hands and feet....
Daddy loves to pose her for pictures...
She's so Girly Girl in the cute onesie from Jessica!
Ready for her nap...
Deep Thoughts...
What a sweet chunky face...
Gotta see what's going on...
And now, down for the count...Sweet Dreams, Baby Hannah
She LOVES her afghan Reba gave soft and beautiful!

We're still doing good. I'm slow moving and still on pain meds. (which concerns me a little) I've tried taking just the Motrin but it's rough sometimes. Every day is getting better. Spending time with Hunter and Hannah makes everything worth it though. I'm just starting to head out, now that I can drive. We usually just go for a walk around the block. Today, we're headed to Maw Maw's for some backyard fun with the cousins. Tonite, we're going to Chick-fil-a for Family Night with our family. Lots of kids and Moo Cow fun. Have a great Tuesday!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Slow moving....

Well, I've been meaning to post pics of us all coming home from the hospital and Hannah's first bath but to be honest, I am SLOW MOVING. Still super sore from my 2 surgeries. I'm usually the brave one but I was SUCH a chicken today, going to get staples removed from my incision. I almost had a panic attack but I heard it wasn't that bad. I just stayed calm and my OB/GYN is awesome! He told me not to worry and was very gentle. It was over in minutes and I KNOW I'll be able to move around alot better without those. I'm hoping to walk to the end of the street on Wednesday with Hunter and Hannah in her stroller. I can always go further later but want to take it slow.

I know several months ago we were all upset when Hunter's teacher suggested he might have Autism. We were horrified, upset, beside ourselves but still scheduled an appointment with the Psychologist. Today, we went and talked to her for over an hour. She said, after observing him, that she found NO signs of Autism in any shape or form. She believes that he does have a Developmental delay, which consists of immature fine motor skills and such and some Speech delay, which he's being treated for. She said with therapy for the Speech and time for the Fine Motor Skills, he will grow out of this. We were ecstatic. We already thought he didn't have Autism but wanted to get him screened anyway. But to hear it from an expert is wonderful. She also said he's a normal little boy and that it sounded like we were doing great with him. WOW...was that nice to hear! He's our little Sweetie and we had a great day with him and Hannah. We went out for Mexican for lunch before going to my 1:30 appointment. Nice day....NOT used to being out and hope to get some rest on Wednesday. But I had a wonderful day with my family!
Have a great Hump day..I'm off to bed now:)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

And Hannah Grace joins the family

Hunter's First Look at Baby Hannah

He couldn't wait to touch her...
Wide Eyed Hannah
Mom and Dad
Hunter LOVES to hold her....
This was SO cool how she clasped her hands together on her own...
Getting ready for her pictures....

Well, here she is. These are some first pictures of our Hannah. I was supposed to have a Scheduled Cesarean on Monday but she had other plans. I woke up Sunday morning about 4 AM with some back labor. I was so confused...sometimes it's hard to tell if it's false labor or not. Well, Mike reminded me that if it IS labor, then the contractions seemed to be about 5 minutes apart. By the time we got to the hospital about 5:30 AM, they were 2 minutes apart. She was born at 7:24, weighing in at 8 pounds and 10 ounces. We think she's so pretty. I was doing well until Monday. The stitches from my Cesarean broke and my Small Intestines/Bowels came out of my body. SCARY STUFF..I think I had the attention of the entire Mother Baby Unit. Evidently, it's very rare but it can happen. I had Emergency Surgery immediately and now have Staples rather than stitches. I'll get them taken out sometime next week. I'm OK now but don't get out of the hospital until Thursday. They want to watch me and make sure there is no other risk of infection. Hannah is doing great. She's waking up about every 3-4 hours to nurse and her weight is great. Thanks for everyone's prayers. We're so happy about her and are SO relieved that Monday's scare is behind us.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Quick Update

Busy Week and probably a busy weekend to follow.... All I have to say is.....

Thank God It's Friday!
Today is my last day of work. MONDAY is my Cesarean and I'm feeling the nerves....
I'm tired and I have a splitting headache but alot planned for the next two days. Mike is off with Hunter today, The Pest Control People are coming out to spray and inspect and a meeting this afternoon with the Speech Teacher. Tomorrow, I'm getting a manicure and pedicure, and then heading to the Pool! After Hunter's nap, we're planning to spend some family time together. Sunday is Church, a Wedding Reception and a stop by the hospital for blood work. Somewhere in there, I need to finish up the Baby's scrapbook with pictures of her room and the Baby Shower. I also need to get batteries (for all those fun baby items; bouncer,musical aquarium, bassinet etc), charge up my Video Camera and Digital Cameras and just REST. (yeah right....what's that?) Mike has already started looking at music for her own little DVD with the hospital footage like we have for Hunter. I cried for days it was so sweet. Looking forward to seeing what he comes up with!
Other than that, everything is ready to go. I've got my bag, Hannah's bag, the Boppie pillow and scrapbook sitting by the door.
Hope everyone has a great Friday. I'm headed downstairs to eat breakfast with my boys =)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Camping Fun

Just thought I'd FINALLY post pictures when we went camping two weekends ago in Williamsburg. It was a great time. Not too hot, lots of warm temps, relaxation and fun.

The kids have fun, coloring together Hunter bought his first bike with some birthday money. It's got Spiderman on it and he got the Cars helmet. Before the weekend was over, he rode all by himself! My little boy is getting SO big!
Aunt "Lou Eye", DNK and Jay , soaking up some sun at the Pool
Baby K LOVES to play ball !
Mike, Hunter and I The kids, playing with Uncle Dave and Aunt ValHunter and George, listening to Disney music on Dad's IPOD
(while Dad takes a nap) Well, it's Happy Hump Day. I've got some cleaning to do tonite in my bedroom and den. Then, switching my summer clothes out in my closet. (the last things to do before baby Hannah comes) I want to enjoy the rest of the week. I've got to finish up her scrapbook and get everything ready to go before Monday. I'm hoping to go to the pool on Saturday and Sunday, Church, visiting the Grandparents, stopping by the hospital for blood work and then, a Wedding Reception at Church that afternoon. I've got to get to bed early since I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 for my 7:30 Cesarean.
I had to go to the Dr yesterday unexpectedly. Everything turned out OK but I was having severe pressure. No contractions, except the usual Braxton Hicks but alot of pain. They wanted me to come in to get checked me out and said that she had dropped a little but not much. They think that it was her position but I felt like SUCH a dork. I told them I had NO problem with the pain but just wanted to make sure everything was OK. Still have ALOT of pressure but I'm OK. Just glad it's all normal. I'm almost there!
Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! God Bless!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

SUPER Saturday

Well, I KNOW I said I would post some pictures of camping but I definitely will TONITE! Yesterday, I played with Hunter in the morning and had a great time. Mike took the car down to get inspected and a couple little things taken care of. We had lunch and then, I headed out to my Crop at Church. Let me just say, it had been a long time since I had gone but I'll be going back regularly now. I had SO much fun with some great friends that I had a lot in common with. We talked about kids, life, husbands; it was a blast. AND, I got alot done. I got a TON of pages done in the Baby's scrapbook and when I came home, I cropped until 1 A.M. I know....I'm an idiot.
To be completely honest, I'm skipping Church today to go to Water Country. I don't usually do that but I really need a day of rest and play. A week from tomorrow is my Cesarean! The time has just flown by and I may not be able to go for a little while. I needed to have our Baby Album done so I could take it to the hospital. I want to have all our Visitors, Nurses and Family sign her book. It already has pictures of all of Hannah's family, My Baby Shower, her room, lots of stuff. They couldn't believe I had started on her album already. Of course, I want to really try to catch up more on my pictures and get them in the albums this year. I'm SUPER backed up on Hunter's album. I plan to change that. I did the CUTEST page with Hunter that says "I love my Big Brother". It turned out better than I expected. I'll post pictures later...

ANYWAY, I'm off to eat some breakfast and get ready to go to Water Country. It's gorgeous and I feel wonderful. God Bless and have a wonderful Sunday!!