Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Smile is a Beautiful Thing

That's what my son's smile does to me. It makes ME smile. It makes me happy, appreciative of how much I'm thankful for. Hunter was modeling his red, windburned cheeks and his "Bubba" teeth. He LOVES them and thinks it's the funniest thing to wear. We had a wonderful night together. It was our cleaning night so we ordered Pizza. We didn't have too much cleaning to do either since Mike had vacumed for me last night, the laundry is done and all we had to do was pick up a little. I just want to rest this weekend. The ONLY place I might go to is to the grocery store for a nice dinner to cook Saturday night. However, I may send Mike to the store for that. I want to rest. I want to sit at my scrapbook table and make a couple cards. I'd like to put the rest of my slab pack paper in my paper stand, according to color, holiday and pattern and then purge some of the stuff I don't use. I want to put some things on sale on Ebay and then, work on my Disney scrapbook a little. Life is good...

I have defentley not been myself this week. I haven't felt good and been so down about my Nanny. And tired from it being a little crazy around here.

-Monday, Mike had another Excema Episode. We've been trying to find out what has been causing these outbreaks and I think Mike finally got it. He had been putting Triple Antibiotic on Hunter's hands and face for the wind burn. Then, he put it on a couple sore spots he had. Within minutes, he was itching, red, blotchy, having trouble breathing and freaking out. He jumped in the shower before laying on our bed to rest, and just wait for everything to settle down. It seems that he might be allergic to the Triple Antibiotic, which he never has been before. I heard that, with age, anything can happen and you can be allergic to things you never were before. How strange!

-Tuesday, we went to Piccadilly for dinner. My cousin, Caleb is 18 years old. I still remember the day he was born. He's a great guy, has a girlfriend, and is now applying for College. We're so proud of him. He's also very sweet and caring. I just can't believe he's all grown up:(

-Wednesday, we ate Subway sandwiches and then went to my parent's house to book our Condos for our Disney World Vacation in December. We're so exited we can hardly wait!! We're going to Sea World this time. We went in 2006 and went to Universal Studios also. Very cool!

-Thursday/Tonite, we stayed home and played with Hunter. We read several books and enjoyed our evening. We worked on his Speech and he's doing so well. "Muffin" was a big word he couldn't say but after sounding it out, he says it beautifully! We're so proud of him and best of all, he's proud of himself. He's excited about all the new words he can say! Can't wait until the Weekend! We'll probably play Elephun and Whack the Mole with him, read some books and watch some new movies. I see a pajama party in our future...

My Grandmother is doing about the same. My dad went to see her tonite and said she was asleep but wanted to be awake when she saw him. They talked a little bit and he then let her rest. Evidentally, she is still getting over the Pneumonia and is suffering from Congenital Heart Failure. She's in her 90's. I'm just so thankful for my memories of her and that she is here with us now. I'm trying not to be selfish and mad that she got so sick so fast. It just doesn't seem fair. I love her SO much. I enjoy all my visits with her, especially since we really don't know what tomorrow holds for ANY of us. I found this picture I took of her last year and think how well she looks and how lovely she is. I will treasure this picture forever, I think.

Well, I'm going to go. I'm headed downstairs for a healthy snack; a glass of water and a Granny Smith Apple before going to bed. Hope you all have a great weekend..God Bless!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

At A Loss For Words...

I don't have much to say tonite and have decided to put my pictures off to post until the weekend. I can't get my Nanny off my mind and just don't feel like blogging. I'm ok, but not feeling great (pregnancy related) and all this resting has her on my mind. I'll be better by the weekend but I'm taking some time off. I've been in tears some today... Hope that's normal!
Goodnight and enjoy the rest of your week....

Baby Update

Well, I had my baby appointment Tuesday and it went pretty well. They DID say that it is WAY too early for me to be having the contractions and especially at the rate I'm having them. However, they believe this baby is going to be a big one also. I gained 7 pounds in a week (I freaked out!) but I did that with Hunter too and that's when he started really getting much bigger. They believe that it's due to my sugar issues and that I just need to keep eating healthy as I have been and drinking lots of water. She said she's SURE this baby will be bigger than my last one..OH MY GOODNESS. My son was 10 lbs. 6 oz. and 2.5 weeks early! I may have to get a support belt for my tummy that will actually help support and cut down on the contractions. She said my blood pressure is wonderful and that's a great sign that things are just running on course normally. Other than that, I feel great. I'm a little tired, ready to go to bed much sooner than normal. But I'm OK. I love being pregnant and thank God that I'm even able to be pregnant again. I'm getting nervous...A week from this Saturday is my Ultrasound and I, hopefully get to find out what the baby's sex is. Did I mention, I'M SO NERVOUS!! I can't WAIT to find out what this one is. No pictures today, hopefully tonite I'll have time. I'm coming home, cleaning up around the house so it's done before the weekend and staying home all day Saturday to rest. I think we're planning to have some indoor fun with Hunter. We've got some new games we want to play and read some special books he just got recently. I hope to get ALOT done in my Scrapbook corner while he's asleep. I want to go through the drawers and get rid of what I don't use and organize all my paper. I bought a ton of new paper last weekend that I need to add. Paper is SO addicting. I have a problem..LOL! Well, have a wonderful Wednesday and I'll update with pictures tonite!!
God Bless!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Just posting a quick picture of Hunter with his Uncle, Jeff. (We met him at Hot Dog King after church Sunday) I've got a ton of other shots from Saturday from the Children's Museum in Portsmouth but I'm ready for bed. I haven't felt good since Saturday evening. I've been getting these Braxton Hicks contractions lately so bad and they've gotten much worse. I have a 4:30 appointment on Tuesday so they can take a look. I have NO problem dealing with the pain but I just want to make sure that everything is OK. I had them with Hunter but I was at least 8 months pregnant. Today, I'm, officially 5 months pregnant. It's going by so fast! I was bent over in pain this morning and have been pretty exhausted today.

I'm also a little sad because my grandmother is not doing so well. She's not getting over the Pneumonia as fast as they had hoped and doesn't look good. She's lost SO much weight in a short period of time. They took her off the oxygen but she's still having problems swallowing and they believe she's now Diabetic. I guess I could handle it more if she was already weak and showing her 90 something age. This is all happening very fast and it's scary. My husband's grandfather is kind of in the same boat. He's going through Dialysis, losing weight and has fallen several times. Please remember them in your prayers, if you don't mind.

I'm headed to bed. I'm exhausted and in a lot of pain. Take care and have a great Tuesday!
God bless!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's a CLEAN Sweep...

OK, You KNOW you're old when you get excited about a new Vacuum!!

Ours finally got the best of us. It works, but it stinks. (LITERALLY!) When my grandmother moved out of her apartment and into the Nursing home, I took it over and used it. She used to be a smoker and NEVER opened the windows or doors. The stale cigarette smoke was overwhelming. I've let it sit outside, I've changed the bag, it never got better. Yesterday, I realized we got it almost nine years ago and I was getting a new one!! Ya! I love it!

These are my old shoes; they're called Cobby Cuddlers and I've had them forever. WELL, I wore them in the rain last week and they are now deformed. They're too tight and they don't fit right. I've been wearing my favorite sneakers lately but my feet get so sore. Another sign that getting old sucks...

SO, I bought second pair of Crocs. I bought a pair of Crocs this summer when I started having problems with my feet. When I saw these at Dick's Sporting Goods then, I figured these would be like bedroom slippers, and they DO feel like them. I'm so tempted to buy the pink pair with the while lining, just to wear around the house.

We're headed to the Childrens Museum today with the entire family. I know the kids are going to have a ball. It takes a couple hours to go through and the exhibits are awesome. We're stopping for lunch at an Italian restaurant we haven't been to for a while that's to die for. Nothing Fancy, a hole in the wall type place really but you get a ton of food, and a salad bar too. I saw online there's a local scrapbook store my hubby said we could stop at too..YA! I'm planning to get back in my pj's when I get home and scrap the night away, while hanging out with Mike and Hunter.

We went to Outback with friends last night and then to Target to buy our Vacuum. Hunter got some new Dr. Seuss books that were on sale...He's in Heaven:)

Well, gotta go. I've got to be at my SIL's by 10:30 and Mike said if I hurry, we could stop by for Starbucks. YUM! Have a great day!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Does This Mean I'm a Biker's Wife???

Yep, my husband signed up for the Motorcycle class today. Hopefully, early March he'll have his Motorcycle license. Do I think he's crazy? Nope, I mean aren't we ALL sometimes?? I'm actually happy for him. He's worked so hard at everything in his life and is very successful as a Civil Engineer, Husband and Father. Plus, he got a nice on the spot award at work so he has a little extra cash to put towards the class. I'm just hoping that he'll give me a ride in a couple years when he gets his bike:) I've only been on a motorcycle once, when my husband's best friend gave me a ride on his Crotch Rocket. It was awesome...and I loved it!

Thursday is my LAST day of the week to work! I'm off on Friday and I'm spending some quality time with my little boy. I cant wait; not even sure what we'll do but maybe checking out the new Veggie Tales Movie...We'll see.
It's amazing what a joy that little boy is. He can really test our buttons some days but what toddler can't, right? I've learned to really CHILL OUT over the last couple weeks and find that he stays calm, just like me. He's such a sweetie. I love to watch him in his cute little Diego pj's after a bath, flashing those baby blues. (and aaahhh, the fresh scent of baby lotion and baby powder!!) What a precious gift from God! There's nothing like opening my front door after work and he running towards me, screaming hello to Mommy with a welcoming hug and kiss. Life gets so busy. It's nice to notice those special moments, KWIM? ( I getting sappy tonite or what? Can you tell the pregnancy hormones are raging....LOL!)

Mike is off with Hunter on Thursday (our Daycare Provider is off Thursday and Friday) so hopefully, he'll be excited to see Mom and Dad a little more this week:) Hunter said he can't wait to have breakfast with Mommy AND Daddy..awww!

Hoping to go to the Children's Museum on Saturday with some family and enjoying my Sunday, after visiting our grandparents. We finished our weekly cleaning tonite and we're going to another Parenting class tomorrow night. (as long as the weather is OK. Sounds like we may get some rain/snow mix in the afternoon) Hope everyone has a great Thursday and SO glad to be "over the hump" of the week:)

Good Nite!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Museum Monday

We went to the Living Museum today with my SIL and neice, Baby K and had alot of fun. I can't believe I had never been (or went when I was a kid and can't remember). The kids seems to have a great time together.

They LOVED the frog guts!

Hunter was wore out before dinner!

And ....A Tribute to Suzanne Pleshette

She played the Wife on The Bob Newhart Show. I'm about the BIGGEST Nick at Nite fan you'll find. I loved that show. She was great. She passed away Monday after a long illness.

Have a great day and God Bless!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A VERY Productive Weekend...

WOW...Did I get a lot done this weekend. I'm impressed! I had an awesome photo shoot for a friend, had a "Snow Party" with my little family Saturday, got four pages in my Disney album completed, made six cards and enjoyed some great family time. I'll post the pictures later this week. (that ALONE is it's own blog post) I was SO excited about how they turned out. I owe my husband a BIG thank you for editing them for me. I went downstairs to make some yummy snacks for our "Snow Day Party" (plus dinner) and when I came back, he was almost done playing around with them. I LOVE them! Here's some of the cards I made. (One, I can't post because it's for someone who reads my blog regularly) I'll post later though!

I made three of this card for some of the girls that I work with, who just got promotions.
This one is for my Manager at work, who just got promoted from Assistant Manager.This one is for my Granny, who celebrated her birthday this past week.
My wonderful husband got me these flowers today. Sunflowers are one of my FAVES. He picked some other flowers up for our Granny for her birthday. She loves fresh flowers and so do I!
I didn't leave the house all day Saturday. After my photo shoot, we snacked on some yummy veggies and dip until our dinner was ready. I made a lasagna for dinner with bread and Angel Food Cake for dessert, with strawberries and whipped topping. MMMMmmmmm..

We ACTUALLY got some snow this weekend. Saturday, it started out as rain and then slowly, turned to snow. I was THRILLED when I saw it sticking. Hunter and I sat on the couch, watching it from the window for a while. It was beautiful falling!

We didn't play outside until Sunday because it was still snowing well after we went to bed Saturday night. We all wrapped up in our snow bibs, gloves and hats before going in the back yard. We managed to make a small snowman that we thought turned out cute. He looks kinda like a puppy in the face:) Bailey had fun playing in the snow too.

Hunter got a good laugh at his "hat hair" after taking his hat off. WOW...does he look like his cousin Caleb here or what! After Hunter took a nap, we went by and saw our Granny and Pa Pa. We took them a pot roast with potatoes and carrots that they're going to have for lunch on Monday. We're all off for the Martin Luther King Holiday and are looking forward to relaxing and having some fun with Hunter. (not sure what yet) It's supposed to be BITTER cold! I DO need to go by and see my Nanny Puckette again. She's in her 90's and recovering from Pneumonia. She's back at the Nursing Home but still has tubes in her nose for Oxygen. Please continue to remember her in your prayers. I think she could really use them. Thanks and Hope you all have a wonderful Monday! I'm headed to bed!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Waiting for the Snow...

Hunter was trying on his snowsuit that his cousin, Caleb passed down to him. It fits great and he can't wait to wear it. SO, we're just waiting for the snow to come. We're so excited, and hope to not be disappointed this time. He's never seen real snow; Just some man made stuff two years ago at the Ski Resort. He loved it, though anyway.

My only plans today are doing some pictures for a friend at home around Noon. Then, loafing the rest of the day at my Scrapbooking table. I've got several cards to make and I'd like to work on some of my albums. I got up this morning and watched the videos on my Cricut machine on their website. It was pretty neat. There's lots of ideas on there too, for cards and projects. Unfortunately, it makes me want a couple more cartridges. I've got them in my Wish List though.

Hope everyone has a great day and if they're forecasting SNOW where you are, I hope you can get some to enjoy! God Bless!

Friday, January 18, 2008

It's A Three Day Weekend!!

Thank God it's Friday! We have a long weekend since we're off on Monday for the Martin Luther King Holiday. (I have one NEXT weekend also as our Daycare is closed Thursday and Friday. Mike is off Thursday and I'm off Friday) We usually go skiing in Northern Virginia but this year, decided to take a break. Mike and my dad have sore backs and I'm pregnant and last year, it was in the 70's. I'll be ready to go back NEXT year and ski, though. Saturday, I'm taking some head shots of a friend, who would like to surprise her husband for Valentine's Day, which is also their first Wedding Anniversary. I'm a little nervous but I think it will be fun. She's just letting me practice and get some experience. Mike said he'd be glad to help me edit them, if need be and also, get all set up.

The Weather is calling for some snow falling tomorrow afternoon and a little accumulation...WOO HOO! I hate to get excited because it could always change but we'll see.

I ordered some new glasses last night and I can't WAIT until they come in. They're small oval frames that are burgundy. They're darker and very trendy. Mike had to get used to them but then, he liked them. I think he'd prefer me to get less noticeable, wire frames like we both have but they're growing on him. They have the Transitions, which we both love. I think it's going to give me a new, modern look. (if that doesn't sound bad saying so myself...LOL) I keep joking that I'm going to look at Lisa Loeb, the famous singer that basically, invented the dark frames trend. Here she is...

What's REALLY funny is mine are extremely similar to hers!! I can't Wait to get them. Mine were stretched out and a very thin frame. They cleaned them and got them back in shape. I think I'm going to keep them on my scrapbook table since the prescription is only about a quarter difference.

OH! I got my date changed for my Ultrasound and it's February 9Th. It's a SATURDAY, which is great! I'm SURE I'll be going shopping afterwards...LOL!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and be safe! I'm praying for snow again!! God Bless!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's a COLD Thursday!!

Hunter made this at home with Grandma Wednesday night while she was babysitting. His school has a large Art Folder that the kids get to take turns taking home. It has construction paper, scissors, glue, packing peanuts, tissue paper, doilies and stickers to make something. Then, you fill out an index card, explaining what you made and they display it in his class. He wanted to name his turtle Rudolph. Isn't he cute? I LOVE they do that. He was so proud of him!

This is Hunter, playing at the park Sunday. He had his warm, insulated suit that his Maw Maw and Paw Paw gave him for Christmas. It had rained and then, cleared up. SO, we wiped the play area off and let him run. He had a ball!! I LOVE to see that sweet little face with a warm hat on!
This has been a great week. I've had to run around a little more than I had wanted but I'm happy to say I have an appointment with my Mickey Mouse flannel pj's tonite. I'll glad to be home. I might work on my computer and check out some details for our Disney trip this December. We're hoping to reserve our condo in the next week or two. It's supposed to be BITTER cold here today and maybe a little snow this morning. I'm sure, nothing of it but I hope it's more than they expect! I'm getting off a little early this afternoon and getting an eye exam. I also get to pick out a new pair of glasses. I'm looking for something a little trendy this time. Mike and Hunter said they'd stop by to help me. Mike likes when I stop by to help him when he got his. I love that!
I had my OB appointment yesterday and scheduled my 20 week ultrasound. It's two weeks from yesterday but right in the morning. The technician only works Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings but I'm going to have to reschedule it I know. Mike and Hunter want to both be there and I don't want to go back to work. I KNOW I'll be so excited!! She found the heartbeat soon as she put her tool on my tummy. The baby has a nice strong heartbeat...and fast. Maybe like a little girls????
She said everything was great, except I still have a bladder infection but I'm still on a antibiotic that will help it. I've only gained THREE pounds! It's amazing because I DEFINITELY have a round tummy now!
We went to a class at the Oyster Point office of CHKD last night. It's called Positive Discipline and it was great. We've been trying to stay calm with Hunter lately and not fuss or raise our voice. We don't have to too much but I hate doing it at all. Since we've been staying calm, he has been too. No temper tantrums, no stress, no problems. It's WONDERFUL! We are really enjoying our time together. He's been on his best behavior too at school and daycare. Life is great!!
But I learned there's a lot of kids just like him. They're kids, toddlers and they're not always going to be great. That's OK. We'll take the good and the bad. I love him so much and I love learning new things. That's what life is all about. It's not about having a perfect child or perfect life and I don't think I'd want it that way if I had the choice.
Hope you all have a great Thursday! I'm off to get ready for work and PRAY FOR SNOW:)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Happy Hump Day!

YES! We're over the hump! I'm off this morning to my OB/GYN appointment for another baby checkup. I get to schedule my 20 week Ultrasound, which is 2 weeks from this past Monday...WOO HOO! Can't wait to find out what my little pumpkin is. All I know is she's growing like a weed. I think I got bigger overnight. I had to get some new pants last night and 2 tanks for underneath some tops. Is this looking like another humongous baby..LOL...Just kidding!

We were at the mall anyway last night so Mike could pick out some new glasses. His broke but weren't available anymore. He has a great warranty for them so he was able to pick out a new pair at no extra cost. Hunter has been SO good at school and daycare so we let him ride a couple times on the rides outside the shop. Of course, he loved the motorcycle the best, just like his dad.

Mike really wants a motorcycle in a couple years so he's started saving in another account . He's hoping to take the class next month and keep his license for a couple years before getting a bike, since it cuts down on Insurance Prices the longer you've had your license. Only if he lets me ride too!

We, also ate at the mall and stopped by for coffee with some friends afterwards. And they STILL had Pumpkin Spice so I was LOVING life:)

Tonite, we're going to a Parenting class at CHKD in Newport News. We have some friends who took a couple classes and thought they were great. This one is Positive Discipline from 7-8:30. Grandma and Grandad are coming over to keep Hunter so he can be in bed at his usual time. It's his turn to have the Art Notebook from school so they'll have something new to play with. He's all excited!!

We got SNOW FLURRIES yesterday!! We NEVER see snow here but it sure was pretty falling. Tonite, we may get a little more but no accumulation or anything to it. I just want ONE GOOD SNOW, but unfortunately, I live in the wrong area. Unless I move to the Mountains, which would be awesome, I guess I won't see any more. A girl can dream....

I'm getting ready to iron my clothes and vacuum the house before I get Hunter up and moving!! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Too Tired To Blog...

I had a full weekend but for the most part, it was WONDERFUL..
Friday started off a little rocky but we made it through some tears and then some smiles...
Saturday, Mike went to DC with his best friend for a Motorcycle Show; and YES, he does want one now, LOL, just kidding! He actually got some pictures of two bikes he really likes but knows that now is not the time for one. But someday...He's talked about it for years:)

Hunter Man and I went to Hot Dog King with my best friend and brother, Jeff. He got some Spiderman candy and a tattoo....he thought he was something else. Then, we visited Nanny and Pop and went to the park for some play time before his nap. I just love seeing him run and play. He giggled profusely!!

I was going to run in Michael's to get a Cricut cartridge and he was asleep by the time I got there. I, carefully, carried him in on my shoulder and was out within 5 minutes; Hunter STILL asleep. I was impressed!

My dad stopped by the house a little later while he was asleep so I could run to the store. I got enough groceries for healthy snacks, drinks, a large pot of Chili and Salad fixings. We LOVE salads! It was nice having dinner ready for Mike when he got home.

Sunday, we went to Church, came home for a short nap, visited our Granny and Paw Paw, Maw Maw and Paw Paw, played at the park for a while and home again. Before Hunter went to bed, we made a cake with him since he was TERRIFIC most of the weekend. We really had some great time together! I'll post some pictures Monday night of him at the park.

My house is ALMOST completely clean. I just have to run a vacume over it Monday night, dust and work on Hunter's room this week. (his summer clothes and ones that don't fit anymore have to go in the attic, as well as some older toys and then picking up a little) I've got a couple boxes to go to the Thrift store and some paperwork that needs to be shredded. In the next couple weeks, (when we find out the sex of our baby) we're moving Hunter's room into the other bedroom, currently our office and starting our baby nursery in his old room. We're also getting ready to finish our bathroom remodel...YA! I love the New Year, new beginnings, new changes.

Looking forward to my week. Monday morning, going first thing to my ENT Doctor for a yearly checkup on my nose. (I have a hole in my Septum caused by Nasal Sprays that has to be checked once a year) Tuesday, I have an eye appointment after work to get a checkup and new glasses and Wednesday, is my baby appointment. I get to schedule my 20 week Ultrasound for the end of the month...YAHOO! I'll be 20 weeks January 28Th but I may have to reschedule because of a conflict at work. (I hope not)

Next Monday, we're off for the Martin Luther King Holiday and I'm NOT Cleaning. I want to have everything done and work on my scrapbooks. We were talking about going away together somewhere but I think we're going to do some things around here. If it's nice, we're planning to go to the Zoo one day. Mike is off next Thursday and I'm off next Friday since our Daycare is closed. That should be fun!!

Please keep my grandmother in your prayers still. She has Pneumonia and they haven't been able to release her because she has kept her fever up. Hopefully, she will be able to go back to the Nursing home soon. She's in her 90's but you'd never know it. She also has Alzheimer's but is so Optimistic. She just laughs when she can't remember some things. Thanks for the prayers!

I hope you all have a great week! I'm off to bed now:)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Thank God Tomorrow's Thursday...

WOWSERS, this week is flying by. And Thank Goodness, because I'm looking forward to the weekend. Lunch with a friend Saturday and dropping some boxes off at the Thrift Store. Making a large pot of Chili and staying home to crop. That's about it. I may need to stop by the hospital and see my grandmother. She's in a Nursing Home and fell last night out of bed. Her eyes were dilated when they woke her this morning and she was unresponsive, as well as some chest pains. They sent her to the ER, where she's been ever since and decided to keep her, at least one night. She has some heavy, labored breathing and Pneumonia. She was happy to see me, which is a great sign since she suffers from Alzheimer's. She usually recognizes me right away but sometimes at night, is not as sharp as early in the morning. We've always been very close so I was anxious to see her. She's always so optimistic. I LOVE that about her. If you don't mind, please keep her in your prayers. She's 90 and very sick. Thanks so much! Hope everyone has a great Thursday. I'm off to bed. Good Night!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


FINALLY, I got my laptop cord! We checked around a couple places and finally, got a Universal cord. $80, for a POWER CORD! How crazy is that?? But, I'm just happy I can post my pictures again. These are of my new Scrapbook corner in my den. I got a new 6 foot long table and a couple organizers. It's not huge but it's the space I have and it works. I played around with my Cricut this past weekend a little bit and found it was such a great space. I made a mess, but I knew where everything was and I was able to clean up in a matter of minutes. Mike actually helped me clean up the room and rearrange everything. But since that NASTY Sinus Infection hit me this past weekend, I didn't have a lot of time to play. Maybe I'll try this weekend.....Sigh.....
I also got a new paper organizer that fits right beside my chair by the steps. Michael's had it for 50% off so I thought it was awesome. It's metal with wheels on the bottom and has a cover to keep the dust off. (although, I don't like moving it on the carpet and is better off standing still) It's great! I still have the accordion style carrier for paper when I go to the crops.

I got the Mickey and Friends Cartridge at Michael's since they had them on sale too. I made a quick card for a friend for her birthday and made Hunter some Mickey Mouse characters. One is bent because he carried it ALL over the house:) He loved them!

I finally got my car back tonite and it's perfect! Glad to have it back. It's running great, clean and smellin' good!

Well, I can hardly keep my eyes open so hope everyone has a great Hump Day..Goodnight!

Can I Just Scream?

Well, I was GOING to post pictures of my new Scrap Area in my den that Mike and I worked on last weekend. (the weekend of New Year's) But it seems that my card reader isn't working...and I can't find the proper size USB cord to hook my camera up. Can I please scream? It's bad enough I'm still waiting for the cord to come in for my laptop and I'm using our Desktop, which is pretty much, Mike's computer. His space...his domain. I also made several cards and played around with my new Cricut, which I love. But I guess, I'll have to post later when Mike can help me find my cord...UGH!

Don't you get tired of things NOT going your way? My Durango had to go to the shop for a Four Wheel Drive Alignment this past weekend. Well, it was pretty bad when it went in but they spend several hours on it. They said that they got it almost where it needed to be but if I brought it back the next day, they'd get it perfect. (There was a long line of people waiting so we were fine with that) SO, we take it the next day and when we pick it up, it's WORSE that it was when we took it in originally. It's back in the shop today and they're having the big boss look at it. Hopefully, it will be right now. I'm just DIEING to go camping when it gets warm but want to make sure my SUV is running smoothly before pulling the trailer behind.

I was supposed to go to a crop at my Church this past Saturday but woke up around 3 A.M. with a NASTY Sinus Headache. I went to my local Patient First as soon as I got up and he said it was a really bad Sinus Infection. (my first since my surgery almost 3 years ago) He gave me an antibiotic and a Nasal Spray and I was on my way. I'm feeling better but I think I hit rock bottom before the recovery started. I just wanted to scrap SO bad. Mike worked on all the cars, giving them a new oil change and washing them. Hunter was great but had no intentions of taking a nap. I broke down in tears, just of sleep deprivation but went to my parent's house a little later and got some GOOD sleep. Poor Hunter....I hated to cry in front of him but was in so much pain. He said he'd make me ALL better and brought me his boo boo frog from the freezer for my face and head. What a sweetie. Then I cried for feeling bad for crying in front of him...LOL!

I think I'm OK now. My house is fairly clean. I need to do the last bit of laundry tonite but so excited to be HOME tonite. Last night, we dropped the Durango off for the last time, hopefully. I'm better now that I have VENTED. I'm waiting for my Cricut goodies to come in the mail any day this week so I have something to look forward to over the weekend. I'm reclaiming my Saturday to do what I wanted to do last week...SCRAP, WATCH MOVIES, STAY HOME:)

I hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to get my little Man ready for school. Take care and enjoy the day. It's going to be in the 80's today!! At this rate, I'll NEVER get snow:(

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy Birthday To You....

This is my best friend, Robin and TODAY IS HER BIRTHDAY!! So, today's post is all about her. I had some pictures I had to post but I'll be sure to do that tomorrow since TODAY is for her.
Hope your birthday is as special as you are....Have a GREAT day, Girlie!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Congrats, Mike!

This is Mike, my wonderful husband, after finishing his 2ND Half Marathon this past October.

Today, he found out that he passed his Professional Engineering Exam (P.E.) this past October also. To say I'm proud of him would be a HUGE understatement. He's worked so hard. He wen to school for over ten years, got two Associates Degrees, a Bachelors Degree, passed his Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (F.E.) a couple years ago and NOW, is a Licensed, Professional Engineer! He passed both tests on the first try, which is hard to do. He's so smart, he's brilliant and he's such a wonderful person. Can you tell I'm in love? OK, enough bragging. I'll stop now. I'm just so proud of him. He sets a goal and he doesn't stop until he's accomplished it. But as he says, He can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. We give God all the glory. There's been a lot of prayers going up for this one. He's finally finished, for a while anyway. Thank you to all our friends and family who have been praying for him. We love ya!! Now, it's time to party. We're hoping to go out this weekend or soon with some friends and really CELEBRATE! He deserves the recognition!

It was a great day. First, we find out that Mike passed his test. Then, Hunter had a great day at school, which is always a good thing and just icing on the cake for the day. We also got a call about our SUV that is currently, in the shop. We thought for sure we'd be spending our savings account to fix it. It's been making a horrible sound when I go to slow down and then, the wheel makes jerky movements to one side. Mike was underneath it a couple days ago and couldn't figure it out. He can tell a lot of things but if it's something technical, like four wheel drive involved, it needs to go to the Pros. The Dealership we bought it from has always been wonderful. We've had one major repair and it didn't cost much at all there. We had a recall that we took in to have fixed and it cost us nothing. Well, today they called and said I was VERY lucky that the front left wheel didn't fall off on me. (where the noise was coming from) Evidently, some of the bolts holding the suspension together there were hardly on. They said had they come loose, the wheel would have been off and my car would be sitting on the ground. They said all they did was tighten up the bolts and we owed them NOTHING. They did say I needed a four wheel drive alignment but their machine was down so I'd have to take it somewhere else. Praise the Lord. We're really trying to save more money and cut down on our spending. SO, to be looking at under $100 for the repair sounds good to me. (for the alignment I have to get) It sounds like my SUV really had angels surrounding it for me to be free from harm.

Now, if my LAPTOP would be that cooperative, we'd be in business. My power cord went bad and I've had to order another one from Best Buy. I'm on our desktop, which seems completely wrong for me, since I'm used to my laptop. I love sitting in my comfy pj's on my comfy bed, watching the News or TV, while working on my laptop computer. We get spoiled, don't we????

Life isn't half as bad as it seems sometimes. We had friends over who moved several months back to Wisconsin. They had been our wonderful neighbors and they're still, our wonderful friends. We also had our other neighbor over from two doors down and it was really a fun night.

Now, I'm off to bed and getting ready for my Friday, the last day of the week.

Hoping to clean up on Saturday morning and work in my scrap corner for the rest of the day. (unless we go out Saturday night to celebrate) If I venture out, I may get some paint colors for my bathroom. We're planning to paint it soon and can't wait to get started..

Oh, here comes those Resolutions for the New Year; painting, remodeling, SCRAPPING, SCRAPPING, SCRAPPING!

Have a wonderful Friday and Weekend. God Bless:)

*OH* My mom is having some Dental Surgery Friday that can be pretty painful. Please keep her in your prayers, if you would. She's not fond of pain (Her words, not mine) so I'm sure she'd appreciate the thoughts. Thanks!!